Basic Package Digital Ad Specifications

Required Assets
  • Desktop Background Image
    Resolution: 3000 x 1000 pixels
  • Inline Background Image
    Resolution: 1536 x 864 pixels
  • Mobile Background Image
    Resolution: 852 x 1280 pixels
  • Click-Through URL(s)
    At least one click-through URL is required.
Technical Requirements
  • Maximum file size: 200kb
  • Supported formats: JPEG
  • Color space: RGB
Slideshow Banner Assets
These assets are only required when submitting a slideshow banner.
  • Leave an art-safe area on the background
    Recommended minimum size for art-safe area is 800x800
  • 3–10 Slideshow Images
    Minimum resolution: 800 x 800 pixelsMaximum file size: 50kb
  • Slideshow Image URLs
    Optional. Each slideshow image may include its own click-through URL.
  • Previous/Next Buttons
    • Either on the inside or outside the slideshow
    • Please leave 90px free on either side to accommodate the buttons
Video Banner Assets
These assets are only required when submitting a video banner.
  • Leave an art-safe area on the background image
    Sizes for this area are 1600x900, 1440x810, or 1280x720 (desktop) and 640x360 (mobile)
  • YouTube Video URL
    • Minimum resolution: 480p; 720p or higher recommended
    • Minimum length: 30 seconds
    • Video must be hosted on YouTube. Video hosting is available for an additional fee.
Design Recommendations
  • To ensure readability, body text must be 24px or larger, and fine print must be 16px or larger.
  • Clickable areas must be 90 x 90 pixels or larger. At least one clickable area must offer a visual indicator, such as an outline, underline, or button.

Newsletter Takeover Banner Ads

Required Assets
  • Horizontal Banner Ad(s)
    830x200 pixels, 72 dpi. Submit up to 4 different banners to build your message.
  • Clickthrough URL
  • Alt Text
    255 characters max.
Technical Requirements
  • Max file size 40kb
  • Acceptable formats: JPEG, PNG and GIF
    Animated GIFS accepted
Required Assets
  • Email Campaign Creative
    Dimensions: 1200x1800 jpeg at 72 DPI
  • Clickthrough URL
  • Subject Line
    25-30 characters maximum
  • Alt Text
    255 characters maximum
Technical Requirements
  • Supported formats: JPG
  • Color space: RGB
  • Max file size: 200kb
Design Recommendations
  • To ensure readability, body text must be 24px or larger, and fine print must be 16px or larger.
  • Clickable area must offer a visual indicator, such as an outline, underline, or button.


Required Assets
  • Facebook business page URL
  • Instagram business page handle
Sponsored Content Promotion
  • Images
    Uses the same image(s) or video provided for Sponsored Content Article
  • Post copy
    • Client-provided “teaser copy” to promote your sponsored content, i.e., a short (approx. 18 words or less), interesting blurb, or summary to entice a user to want to read more.
    • If the copy is not provided, our team will pull the title and/or subhead of your sponsored article.
Design Recommendations
  • Supported file types: JPEG in RGB color format
  • Aspect ratios between 1:1 and 3:2
  • Images must not contain logos or text