OmniChannel Package Digital Ad Specifications


Required Assets
  • Desktop Background Image
    Resolution: 3000 x 1000 pixels
  • Inline Background Image
    Resolution: 1536 x 864 pixels
  • Mobile Background Image
    Resolution: 852 x 1280 pixels
  • Click-Through URL(s)
    At least one click-through URL is required.
Technical Requirements
  • Maximum file size: 200kb
  • Supported formats: JPEG
  • Color space: RGB
Slideshow Banner Assets
These assets are only required when submitting a slideshow banner.
  • Leave an art-safe area on the background
    Recommended minimum size for art-safe area is 800x800
  • 3–10 Slideshow Images
    Minimum resolution: 800 x 800 pixelsMaximum file size: 50kb
  • Slideshow Image URLs
    Optional. Each slideshow image may include its own click-through URL.
  • Previous/Next Buttons
    • Either on the inside or outside the slideshow
    • Please leave 90px free on either side to accommodate the buttons
Video Banner Assets
These assets are only required when submitting a video banner.
  • Leave an art-safe area on the background image
    Sizes for this area are 1600x900, 1440x810, or 1280x720 (desktop) and 640x360 (mobile)
  • YouTube Video URL
    • Minimum resolution: 480p; 720p or higher recommended
    • Minimum length: 30 seconds
    • Video must be hosted on YouTube. Video hosting is available for an additional fee.
Design Recommendations
  • To ensure readability, body text must be 24px or larger, and fine print must be 16px or larger.
  • Clickable areas must be 90 x 90 pixels or larger. At least one clickable area must offer a visual indicator, such as an outline, underline, or button.

Newsletter Takeover Banner Ads

Required Assets
  • Horizontal Banner Ad(s)
    830x200 pixels, 72 dpi. Submit up to 4 different banners to build your message.
  • Clickthrough URL
  • Alt Text
    255 characters max.
Technical Requirements
  • Max file size 40kb
  • Acceptable formats: JPEG, PNG and GIF
    Animated GIFS accepted
Required Assets
  • Email Campaign Creative
    Dimensions: 1200x1800 jpeg at 72 DPI
  • Clickthrough URL
  • Subject Line
    25-30 characters maximum
  • Alt Text
    255 characters maximum
Technical Requirements
  • Supported formats: JPG
  • Color space: RGB
  • Max file size: 200kb
Design Recommendations
  • To ensure readability, body text must be 24px or larger, and fine print must be 16px or larger.
  • Clickable area must offer a visual indicator, such as an outline, underline, or button.
Required Assets
Copywriting assets are needed if you are providing your own story fully written.
  • Headline
    5-10 words long
  • Subtitle
    Maximum length is 150 characters including spaces
  • Content
    300-700 words
  • Images or Video
    At least one image for standard article format, up to 10 images for slideshow format, or video file or video embed code for an article with video
Technical Requirements
  • Image Size
    • Minimum size is 1200x800 at 72DPI
    • Maximum size is 5000x5000 at 72DPI
  • Image format: JPEG in RGB
    Images must not contain logos or text
  • Each image must include a caption and a photo credit
    200 characters max for captions
  • Video file common formats: MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, and FLV
    All videos will be uploaded to Vimeo and will be converted to square pixels. Regardless of format, all videos will be displayed at the correct aspect ratio.
Design Recommendations
  • Headlines should describe the content of the article, build interest, and entice readers to click. The headline should make sense out of context.
  • Subtitles should be complete sentences, ending in a period
    Subtitles should not repeat words from the headline.
  • Content may include links and basic formatting
    bold, italic, bulleted or ordered lists, and sub-headings
  • Embedded links include UTM parameters or other campaign tracking codes
  • Maximum length 1000 words
  • Image ratios between 1:1 and 3:2 are recommended; thumbnails may be cropped on the website or in email templates

Newsletter Native Ads

Required Elements
  • Headline/Subhead
    Headline / Subhead will be pulled from Sponsored Content Article
  • Image
    Image will be pulled from main image for Sponsored Content article


Required Assets
  • Facebook business page URL
  • Instagram business page handle
Sponsored Content Promotion
  • Images
    Uses the same image(s) or video provided for Sponsored Content Article
  • Post copy
    • Client-provided “teaser copy” to promote your sponsored content, i.e., a short (approx. 18 words or less), interesting blurb, or summary to entice a user to want to read more.
    • If the copy is not provided, our team will pull the title and/or subhead of your sponsored article.
Design Recommendations
  • Supported file types: JPEG in RGB color format
  • Aspect ratios between 1:1 and 3:2
  • Images must not contain logos or text

Organic Social Post

Optional Assets
If using different text and/or platform from Facebook / Instagram Advertising campaign
  • Facebook
    • 650 characters maximum. Include all hashtags & @mentions
    • Facebook Page URL
    • Image or Video - Automatically populated through your article’s preview link
  • Instagram
    • 2,200 characters maximum. Include all hashtags & @mentions Note: Only the first 130 characters will be visible before requiring a tap to read more.
    • Instagram Handle
    • Image or Video - Optimal image dimensions are 1080 pixels wide, by 566-1350 pixels high
    • Don’t include pre-, mid, or post-roll ads in video or audio content. Don’t include banner ads in videos or images
  • Twitter
    • 276 character limit. Double-check text using this character counter tool.
    • Include all hashtags & @mentions
    • Image or Video - Image dimensions are minimum 600x335. Aspect ratio 16:9.
  • LinkedIn
    • 689 character limit. Include all hashtags & @mentions
    • Image or Video - Automatically populated through your article’s preview link

Full Page Print Ad

Size / Bleed / File Types
  • Images: CMYK
    All images provided for ads should be final, color corrected, hi-resolution (300dpi) CMYK files. TIF or EPS file type recommended. Hi-Res images should not be scaled more than 115% to maintain image quality.
  • Preferred File Format: PDF-X 1/a.
  • Full Page Size: 8.375” 10.875” (Seattle Met, Portland Monthly, Houstonia)
    This is trim size, see note below regarding bleed required.
  • Full Page Size: 8.125” 10.75” Sarasota Magazine only
    This is trim size, see note below regarding bleed required.
  • .125" bleed required on all sides